The first time she ever drove down by herself a couple of years ago, the clutch on her car exploded (you're not supposed to rest your foot on it girl...); this time she got within 50 miles and was happily zooming along overtaking everything in sight when, in her words, "the steering went wobbly and I saw my tyre rolling down the road behind me." Turns out her offside rear tyre simply, er, let go.
Fortunately she managed to pull over on three wheels (we'll buy her a Reliant Robin next now she's used to that), called the RAC and got to wait for an hour in the back of a cop car who'd arrived to look after her until the rescue service arrived.
Of course, having established that there was no damage to life, limb or car, our emotions quickly changed from concerned family to merciless piss-takers - perfect when you're planning on spending a night out at the pub, as we did. From 7pm until 3am. Ugh.
Good fun was had by all -- four hours at the Cyder Presse followed by 5 of us piling into Duncan's little Corsa car (he wasn't happy, moaning about stressed wishbones or something that no-one cared about after 10 pints) and heading up to The Globe in Torrington where Ady & I ended up playing (and winning, I think) doubles Pool against the locals for an hour. Always interesting when you're pissed.
For some odd reason, Duncan (not drinking, remember) decided to hang around so we got a free lift home afterwards ("... my poor car.. think of the suspension..."). We worked out this morning that we'd spent £170 between 5 of us, which is pretty good going. Ali must have been thirsty I suppose.
I'd like nothing more than a quiet night in, but that ain't gonna happen as the annual village firework party is due to kick off at Pickard's farm in just over three hours' time.
And the heavy drinkers are with us tonight.
Anyone got a liver for sale?

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